Our Sustainability Initiative

Preserving the Good

As a sixth-generation family business, we are deeply committed to respecting nature and minimizing our impact on the environment. Our winemaking has always been directly impacted by environmental and climate factors. Therefore, we recognize the importance of maintaining and enhancing our sustainability initiative, which foundation was already laid by our ancestors.

As a sixth-generation family business, we are deeply committed to respecting nature and minimizing our impact on the environment. Our winemaking has always been directly impacted by environmental and climate factors. Therefore, we recognize the importance of maintaining and enhancing our sustainability initiative, which foundation was already laid by our ancestors.

Storica centrale idroelettrica_1910
Centrale idroelettrica_2001
Linea elettrica ad alta tensione_1910
Johann Tiefenbrunner_Costruttore centrale idroelettrica_1910
Green Energy
Hydroelectric power and solar energy

In 1910, Johann Tiefenbrunner displayed remarkable foresight by constructing a hydroelectric power plant. The plant, featuring a single-jet turbine and water regulator, operated at a pressure of 18.5 bar and surmounted a 190-meter height differential, providing a peak output of 85 kW. Moreover, the power plant not only fulfilled the company's own energy demands but also provided power to nearby neighborhoods in the municipalities of Kurtatsch and Margreid until the late 1940s.

In 2001, we erected a new power plant beside the historic one, featuring modern dual-jet technology, hydraulic control, and electronic monitoring, with a peak output of 100 kW. This exemplifies our unwavering passion for in-house energy production. However, as our energy demands continue to rise alongside technological advancements and modernization, we are now developing a project to install a 30 kW photovoltaic system to supplement our energy needs. The combination of eco-friendly solar energy and hydroelectric power ensures reliable electricity supply for the future.

Agenda 2023_Alto Adige Wines
Sustainability certificate South Tyrol

The South Tyrolean regional decree 3821/2022 allows the South Tyrol Wine Association to create a sustainability certification tailored to the province but still in compliance with the official Italian organization SQNPI for integrated wine and fruit growing. We at Tiefenbrunner winery embrace this decree and strive for the corresponding certification, which is currently in its developmental stage. Meanwhile, our agricultural operation takes part in the ongoing pilot project.

Our measures

Sustainable and ecological practices in the vineyard

In our own agricultural operation, we refrain from using herbicides:
~ Enhanced soil quality
~ Robust and thriving grapevines
~ Preservation of a balanced vineyard ecosystem

Impementation of alternating mulching in every other row of vines and sowing:
~ Protection of the soil from erosion
~ Enhancement of biodiversity and promotion of green manure

Low-wound pruning according to Simonit & Sirch since 2012
~ Risk of fungal and other diseases is minimized
~ Number of pruning wounds is reduced --> less stress for the vine + faster healing
~ Health of the grapevines is promoted

Dry stone walls
~ Help prevent erosion and maintain soil quality
~ Provide habitat for numerous plant and animal species, promoting biodiversity
~ Enable natural irrigation by storing rainwater
~ Constructed from local natural stone, eliminating the need for long transportation distances of building materials

Bodenlockerung mit Visani
Bodenlockerung mit Visani
"Sustainability means keeping the next generation in mind in everything we do."

Social & Economic Responsibility

We place great emphasis on sustainability, particularly in the social sphere. This means treating our employees, customers, and suppliers with fairness and respect. Further, we value the safety and health of our employees, taking necessary measures and implementing them with care. We regularly invest in eco-friendly technologies, including renewable energy, to reduce our environmental impact. Moreover, we support the regional economy by creating job opportunities.
